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- To provide a behavioural system that can motivate the user in the medium-term.
- To create a 'currency' that allows the user to clearly value workout definitions, activities and combined adaptive responses.
- To provide a progress and levelling-up mechanism.
- To provide an aggregate figure that combines all four types of adaptive response.
The user earns impact credit when they perform a workout activity - this is the inner loop. Then, once they have filled their impact credit bar, they are allowed to take a fitness test, giving them the opportunity to level up to a higher fitness level. Their impact credit then returns to zero and they have completed the outer loop.
Here are the key concepts, how they are calculated and how they are communicated:
Workout Impact
Max Workout Impact (MWI)
The max workout impact figure is a property of the workout definition. It is a measure of the maximum total adaptive response that the user would get if they completed the workout now, at their current fitness level.
It is displayed wherever a workout definition is displayed: on the Workout Definition View, Workout Definition List (for each workout) and on the Workout Activity View.
To find the MWI for a workout definition, we calculate the magnitude product for the workout as if it was performed at max intensity. We do this for the cardio and strength responses separately, then average them together. We ignore the other two responses because they do not add any useful information to the picture - a workout will not elicit a metabolic or EPOC response without an equivalent cardio or strength response.
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CardioMagnitudeProduct = 0.23 StrengthMagnitudeProduct = 0.76 MWI = (CardioMagnitudeProduct + StrengthMagnitudeProduct) / 2 MWI => 0.495 |
Actual Workout Impact (AWI)
The actual workout impact figure is a property of the workout activity. If is a measure of the total adaptive response that the user actually got when they completed the workout, considering their fitness level and the intensity with which they completed it.
It is displayed wherever a workout activity is displayed: on the Workout Activity View and for each workout activity on the Timeline View.
The AWI is calculated in the same way as the MWI, but uses the intensity from the workout activity instead.
Impact Credit
Cardio Impact Bias
Impact Credit Attrition
title | Code |
max aerobic burn = 23
max strength burn = 76
MAB = max aerobic burn + max strength burn
The user's impact credit is the sum of all AWI they have earned since their last fitness test. Each time they complete a workout activity, their IC increases and, when they complete a fitness test, their IC is reset to zero.
However, impact credit is not awarded instantly after a workout activity. The AWI from each workout is added to their impact credit bar over time, as the adaptive responses from the activity play out. So therefore, we have a concept of pending IC and realised IC - credit yet to be added to the bar and credit already added to the bar. Note that the IC from multiple workout activities may be being added to the bar at the same time.
Impact Credit Attrition
Workout Response Type Fractions
For display and for other calculations, we need to calculate a breakdown of the relative-size of each of the four adaptive responses expected from a workout definition. This breakdown must consider the user's current fitness level - specifically their cardio fitness bias. and therefore must use magnitude products as inputs. The calculation below shows how we do this for the cardiovascular response only:
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CardioMagnitudeProduct = 0.13 StrengthMagnitudeProduct = 0.76 MetabolicMagnitudeProduct = 0.54 EpocMagnitudeProduct = 0.43 TotalProduct = CardioMagnitudeProduct + StrengthMagnitudeProduct + MetabolicMagnitudeProduct + EpocMagnitudeProduct TotalProduct => 1.86 CardioFraction = CardioMagnitudeProduct / TotalProduct CardioFraction => 0.0699 |
This data is used to create the workout response type pie charts.
AWI Response Type Breakdown
In addition, we can combine the response type fractions and the AWI to show the specific AWI of a specific response - for cardio for example:
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AWI = 0.385 CardioFraction = 0.0699 CardioAWI = CardioFraction / AWI CardioAWI => 0.1816 |
# | Title | User Story | Importance | Notes |
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Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
Question | Outcome |