Journey Triggers

Journey Triggers

Target release1.0, 1.x

AF-73 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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  • To provide extended onboarding to users by educating them about the effects of exercise on their body and the advantages of using our apps.
  • To provide an achievement mechanism that can be used to unlock content based on the user's progress. 


The journey trigger system consists of triggers and actions that occur as a result of these triggers firing.

The following triggers can be defined. They fire once only per user, by design.

Total workout activities completed

Evaluated after every completed workout activity. If the user has completed x activities (in this specific app), the trigger will fire. AF-74 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Active weeks in a row

Evaluated after every completed workout activity. If the user has completed x active days per week for the last y weeks, the trigger will fire. AF-74 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Total days since installEvaluated on a schedule. If the user first ran the app x days ago, the trigger will fire. AF-77 - Getting issue details... STATUS

These triggers can be attached to multiple actions and all attached actions will run instantly when the trigger is fired for a user.

The following actions are possible:

Post articleA new article is posted to the user's timeline. AF-78 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Unlock workoutA workout is unlocked, allowing the user to use it for workout activities. AF-79 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Implementation Details

  1. Trigger evaluation and actions are all implemented server-side in Firebase Cloud Functions AF-74 - Getting issue details... STATUS .
  2. The triggers and actions are defined in the FRD, in the journeyTriggers collection.
  3. The effects of the actions are relayed back to the client/user via updates to the user's FRD data:
    1. A new timeline article is added AF-75 - Getting issue details... STATUS ; or
    2. a visibleWorkoutDef is unlocked AF-76 - Getting issue details... STATUS .
  4. A new article can be marked with `isPriority = true` and it will be presented modally immediately to the user  AF-75 - Getting issue details... STATUS .


  • If a workout is unlocked in one app, it must also be unlocked in all other apps where it is available.
  • Some triggers will need to target activity across all apps, others will need to target a single app only (e.g. activities completed in 7MW only; or days since install of Afterburner).
  • Some articles are relevant to all apps and others are relevant to a single app only. They must be shown only where relevant.

Journey Triggers

First workout completeAchievementTotal activitiesactivities = 1All (general)

Congrats, body is now adapting, importance of routine, reminder to set reminders.